In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Monday, February 18, 2008

Labor shortage in high tax Denmark

Want to know what full-blown socialism looks like? Here's an article about the brain-drain, I mean, labor shortage in Denmark. Why are people leaving? Income taxes can reach as high as 63%. Imagine grossing 100k and taking home $37,000. Sounds great, doesn't it? I didn't think so. Which way is America heading? In Denmark's direction.

I've already got my tax-haven picked out. How about you?


engineering said...

Paying 60% or 50% tax, what is the difference? :) Okay, continental Europe has warmer climate. Northern European countries have the highest quality of life. The catch is to draw unemployment :)

engineering said...

On the other hand, whatever we pay in taxes is to blow up other countries and kill people.

Here is a very good strategy to increase funding used by our government war-makers:

...The Associated Press first reported Friday that hundreds of U.S. Marines have been killed or injured by roadside bombs in Iraq because Marine Corps officials refused the request of the commanders. Both senators issued their statements Sunday.

"This is a stark warning that the military brass back home is not acting on needs of our war fighters on the front lines," Biden said. "We must be as fast and flexible as the enemy. We need an official investigation to figure out why this happened and to make sure it never happens again."

Christopher Scott said...

Hey, Joe Biden, how about bringing all the troops home instead? Then they won't be killed.