In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Now you don't have to rent . . .

V for Vendetta, the movie that depicts the future of England, which has become a police state with curfews, cameras, and the omnipotent state. Now, you can just move to England and soon experience it first hand, as you can read here in this article.

Well, you might want to rent it anyway, since Natalie Portman has one of the most perfect faces on the planet. Poor Brits, about the only place they'll be safe and unwatched is the soccer stadium.


Anonymous said...

I have taken your History class and i remember you talking about this. I just want to say that I support you and i think you are a great teacher. We need more people like you in this world. :)


Christopher Scott said...

Thanks! Just trying to wake people up and make them realize the importance of property rights. Keep fighting for freedom!