In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More evidence

Here's more evidence of the lower quality care we can expect the more our health care dollars become socialized. As you can read in this article, a man was left in a chair and not given food or water. So he died.

Stories like this will be commonplace as governments tighten their grip on health care. I'm not just picking on Democrats, since the neocons (Republicans) are no better, but once the next Democrat is elected president, we're getting "universal health care." In Britain, which has universal health care and universal dental care, people have to wait months to see the doctor and 18 months to see the dentist. So they're pulling out their own teeth and doing their own fillings.

The last thing we need is socialized medicine. In the former U.S.S.R., 36 out of every 100 hospitals did not have hot running water, cats would roam the halls, the surgical gloves would fall off the surgeons during surgery because they had been used over and over again, and the doctors used to quip: "Look, they pretend they are paying us and we pretend we are helping them."


Anonymous said...

Obviously, you are to new at politics to be able to think critically about them. Cherry Hospital in Goldsbor, NC is a PRIVATE hostpital. Such things happen because of a lack of effective regulation. It has nothing to to with socialized medicine. Most of Europe, Great Britain and Canada have nationalized health care systems, which right-wingers vilify by calling it "socialised medicine." The truth is These countries provide ALL their citizens with much better health care than any but the most wealthy Americans receive and they do it at a fraction of the cost. Moreover, you never hear of people dying in their hospitals due to incompetence and neglect. You have to go to America for that.

Anonymous said...

Do you even realize what in the hell you are talking about? Have you done any research whatsoever about the healthcare system we have in this country?? Obviously I don't think you know what you are talking about. This is the only for now atleast first world country that does not practice socialized healthcare and as for the article you are talking about that has nothing to do with socialisim that has to do with the hospital and there lack of caring what you should be focusing on is how expensive it is to go to a hospital and why no one wants to go there. I would rather wait a little bit and not have to worry if my insurance company will cover me or will they consider my problem not important I am all for Socialising the healthcare system in this country it's obvious the system we have now is not woking and the only thing it's doing is stealing money from us and giving nothing back in return you must have money or a good insurance plan considering i'd say very few people who have to go to the hospital can say the same. Again I say to you read up on other countries and how much there people actually are happy with the healthcare system and then interview people in this country and ask them the same I'm sure you will hear very different opinions this country is going to shit and people like you obviously don't give a damn and the only thing your doing by making this comments on your page is just going to make things in this country worse.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Anon above me should learn the great art of punctuation if she/he would like to be taken seriously. Hint: Periods go at the end of sentences.

As for the post? I've read some nasty articles on Britain's healthcare, but I don't believe that's representative of socialized healthcare in general. Check out Sweden's system, for instance. I have a few friends in Sweden, and they're very satisfied with the care they receive. Just because one country is blowing it doesn't mean that the whole system is wrong.

Christopher Scott said...

Even private hospitals are hit by the regulatory complex. Being private does not mean that a hospital can forego the thousands of pages of regulations now on the books. In Canada, people wait nine months for necessary open heart surgery. A whole new industry cropped up there where the company gets you everything you need: plane tickets, doctors, hotels, clinics, etc. They get you out, you get the care, then you return to Canada. If their system was so good, why is that industry thriving? In Britain, they told a woman she was too old to have surgery - she was only 62! That's another consequence of socialized medicine: rationing. Do the research, people. Some in Scandinavia may like it, but it's all they know. And what's their tax burden?

Anonymous said...

Cherry Hospital is NOT a private hospital. I used to work for one of the other STATE RUN psychiatric hospitals in NC and Cherry Hospital is a State Run facility. This is very sad... I can NOT say enough about how aweful the NC Mental Health situation is right now. They need some serious HELP NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the federal government is going to FIX the issues with this hospital. The problem with this particular hospital is the management and culture instilled there. People playing cards while the guy needs help. Yes, blame the government. That makes perfect sense. (rolls eyes)

Christopher Scott said...

Yes, blame the government. If you look at the post regarding the root cause of the health care crisis (go to the health care label and click on it), you'll see that the first intervention, Medicare and Medicaid, caused prices to rise quickly. Then, the GOVT enacted the HMO Act in '73, which drove prices up even further. Don't roll your eyes. There's 50 books explaining the cause and the economics behind it. Do the research, don't just react with emotions.