In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

America is broke and the future is dark

If you're thinking of staying here in the empire, you better be planning to make some serious money. If you don't have a plan to make some serious money, then your best bet is to find some small place on the globe that's off the grid and doesn't have the empire's problems.

Here's a serious and sobering article that should have you in the planning stage. It's going to end badly - that's why my family and I are getting out soon.

1 comment:

JO PETERS said...

Hello !
I agree with you about the scenario to be played out in the U.S. The rats have already left the ship, taking all the money they stole in the stock market fraud and now living in corporate sponsored luxury housing enclaves all over Asia, and leaving all the now jobless American workers behind in devastated cities like Flint Michigan, Detroit, and Los Angeles. The U.S. federal government is corrupt and greedy at the highe3st level imaginable. You are right to be planning to leave. I hope to do the same thing, if I can get enough recovery from lawsuits I have filed.
see my blog where similar views are expressed, in between features on art, science, etc.:
Glad there is someone else out there who sees the situation through the same lens I do.
JO Peters