In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Global taxes?

Many Americans are fearful that the ruling elite want to bring about one world government. One organization that would probably want this would be the WHO (World Health Organization). As you can read here, this organization seems to want to tax the planet. Don't ever forget that the ruling elite have a never-ending thirst for our dollars.


Anonymous said...

How ironic. The ruling elite you are referring to is the beast that is born and bred from the uber-capitalistic theories you so adamantly propose as "the most moral economic system on the planet." How's that for your property rights!? Who are the main advocates of this type of "moral" system? Oh yes, thats right...the Ruling Elite.

Christopher Scott said...

Sorry anonymous, you're quite confused. True free market capitalists oppose govt interference in the marketplace. Therefore, they reject most govt, especially one world govt. Crony, politicized capitalism, on the other hand (spout out by the statists who love govt - the ruling elite and who hate freedom for the masses)is what we've got. Learn the difference between the two so you're not one of the duped "sheeple."