In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Super Secret NSA to be used on Americans

As you can read here, the super secret National Security Agency, which has the capacity to monitor each one of us (read our e-mails, listen to our phone calls, etc. etc.), will be used to keep an eye on the internet and other cybersecurity issues. The NSA allegedly has the computer storage capacity to hold every American's e-mails for ten years. That trillions of e-mails in their database, if they choose.

I feel safer already, now that Big Brother is watching.


Kevan B. said...

We need to be watching Big Brother, he just bought another 600 million in US Treasuries..

Kevan B. said...

If they can store our emails for ten years, let's each send ten times the emails everyday and fill that sucker up.... Then we can sell them data space, hook in to their system and it's on.. Little brother is in control!!!! Then the Big Wheels could see what little dogs do to their wheels...

Kevan B. said...

Scary to type billion, meant the United States Government bought 600 billion in US Treasuries.