In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Afghans don't like us - what a shocker!

Throughout history, people all over the world have hated being occupied, and the Afghans are no different. Thanks to for this article - read here.


Anonymous said...

Some people just don't know when they are being helped. Ignorance is bliss!!!
Guess it would make me mad if troops were tromping around in my poppy fields.

Kevan said...

Educational, social, enviormental and religious advancement and freedom, just like Americas.. They just don't know what they are missing!! They could all have a home, 1.7 kids, 2 cars and a mountain of debt. How are they going to know that Microsoft is launching the new Windows phone???

Anonymous said...

"helped" is in the eye of the beholder. I'm sure Southerners after our own Civil War just LOVED the Yankees who came down and "helped" bring the South into a more advanced and civilized place...

That was written in jest, obviously- there are still bitter Southerners who talk about "Reconstruction" as if it happened yesterday. The fact is that the Afghans have a memory a thousand times longer than any U.S. Southerner ever had- and it goes back to the "evil" "we" did to them during the Crusades- and even further back...