In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Another "great" government program is almost insolvent

Virtually all government programs have two distinct characteristics: they are not well thought out, and they violate the property rights of American citizens. Read here about such a program, which is almost insolvent. Government can only give to one what it takes from another, as in this program, and thus violates our property rights. After the revolution, let's make sure we don't include any of these cranky programs again.


Mary said...

We definitely need to get rid of that P.O.S ponzi scheme and privatize EVERYTHING!

Caridad said...

Keep creating links to these, your audience craves truth and clarity.

Auston said...

Back in the good ole days of a weak federal government it was sink or swim. Too many people rely on government as the answer for their problems. People need to always be preparing for the tough times in life, by saving their money, living below their means, investing in their future, etc. When it comes to most government benefit programs, a vast majority of the population has simply failed to completely support themselves, and that the entire nation.
True honest disability aside, our tax dollars should not be spent supporting individuals who have failed to prepare a financial ark for themselves.