In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jeff Tucker nails it

A fantastic article appeared on today. Jeff Tucker hits the nail on the head when he writes how the Austrians predicted it all and the Keynesians are all washed up. And to think that while I'm teaching history, some knucklehead is teaching all those Keynesian untruths next door. Ugh! Read Jeff's great article here.


Mary said...

Jeffery Tuckers books are so easy to read. I bought his new on "Jetsons World" and read it in a sitting. His blog posts are just as awesome.

It's got to be difficult at times to teach the truth when everyone else is drowning us in lies but you do get to some of us. And those of us that get it, you change our lives. Keep up the good fight!

Christopher Scott said...

When I read articles like this, I can't wait to get back to the classroom and teach the truth! (although I'm enjoying my lengthy vacation!)

Mary said...

I can imagine. I don't think i could make it through teaching history (correctly without lies and coupled with accurate economics) and not want to pull my hair out of my head by the end of the semester.

I hope your Ph.D is coming along! Looking forward to calling you 'Doctor Scott.'

Anonymous said...

Have you seen how the media avoids anything that has to do with Ron Paul, as he were some kind of disease? I still can't believe that the people don't see how controlled we are through the media and how they blatantly hid him from the public eye. This is a prime example of how we need need to be the ones that create our own change and not gamble it all on a another chatterbox lawyer.