In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Canadian doctor talks about socialized medicine

While eating at Chipotle today, I ran into a friend of mine who is planning to purchase a home in France. The discussion turned to French health care, and he was quite impressed with their system. Only thing is, he doesn't live there yet and doesn't have to pay the bills just yet either. Once home, a few minutes on the net quickly revealed that even though it seems like pretty good care and does not have quite the long lines seen in Canada and the U.K., it's incredibly expensive!

A monstrous amount of money spent on something might make it better. But is that desirable? Gobs of money thrown at my lawn, for example, say $10,000 a month in '08, would probably make it the best in Houston. However, I could not sustain that for too long. Same for the health care system in France. The system is unsustainable, and they are piling up huge debt. Socialized medicine simply doesn't work in France or Canada, as a Canadian doctor reveals here.

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