In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

UK health care - no thanks!

The Fraser Forum in Canada just ran an article about health care in the UK. The title is Fully Socialized Medicine: A Warning from the United Kingdom. The article cites The Lancet Oncology report stating that "British colorectal, lung, breast, and prostate cancer patients are less likely to survive five years after diagnosis than anywhere in Europe (apart from a handful of ex-Soviet states)."

Additionally, the UK is below average for the uptake of innovative oncology drugs, has only 7 CT scanners per million people as opposed to 32 in the U.S., and areas low on the political radar screen, such as mental health, maternity services, sexual health, and dentistry, are underfunded and of poor quality.

The British have already taken the arrows in the back for us. Let's turn around and walk away as fast as we can when someone mentions getting "universal health care" here in the U.S.

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