In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Anderson Cooper saved John McCain

During the CNN/You Tube debate last night, warmonger and admitted (1997 interview) Vietnam bomber and baby killer John McCain went after Ron Paul and his non-interventionist foreign policy. McCain was saved when the moderator jumped in, just as Ron Paul was about the eat his lunch.

McCain yearns for war, just as Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun did way back in 1812. McCain must not understand that there is no army, navy, or air force that can reach America. None. End of story. No foreign armed forces can reach this country. The United States has the most favorably geography in the world for defense. Combine that with the best nuclear subs, nuclear aircraft carriers, and the new F22 fighter planes, we are untouchable here. The only time we get in harm's way is when we are out there telling other people what to do.

That's Ron Paul's point. Shut down the empire. Leave everyone alone politically and militarily. Let Americans trade with everyone. McCain and the other war hawks on stage with him last night don't get it. I guess they still want to play army since they didn't get a chance to do it when they were younger. But this time, we all pay the price.


Unknown said...

Was it just me or did Anderson Cooper do a poor job moderating that debate yesterday?

While I understand there were questions asked directly to certain candidates, at least allow each candidate (specifically Ron Paul) to respond to important issues that can either elevate or downgrade his position in the Republican race.

I believe this disparity for air-time may have hurt Ron Paul's chances. However, it has clearly reaffirmed your teachings that Ron Paul is different. Unlike the "war hawks" he's genuinely for ending this war and initiating peace. It's just sad to know that Americans are so stubborn to change their stance regarding war. If only they knew the reality of the situation.

Christopher Scott said...

I still can't figure out why people over 50 are still for war. They somehow forgot the lessons of Vietnam. But as they try to enjoy their "golden years," they won't be able to as the empire crumbles around them.