In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Neocons want world dominance

Neoconservatives, or neocons, who make up the hawkish (they love war) sect of the Republican Party, laid out their plans to bully the world back in 1992. Barely had the U.S.S.R. collapsed when they wrote up their plans for control of the globe. Thanks to the International Relations Center for an article that lists the objectives the neocons would now seek: massive increase in military spending, assertion of lone superpower status, the use of pre-emptive force, and intervening in disputes throughout the globe, to name a few.

Everything neocons promote is exactly the opposite of what the founders intended. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and others were men of peace. It is up to all of us to fight for peace in a non-violent way.


Anonymous said...

William said...

This is one of the greatest blogs on the internet, by a constitutional lawyer named Glen Greenwald.
He's the probably the most objective political commentator I've ever seen.