In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Socialized Medicine in Japan

Japanese citizens are increasingly dissatisfied with health care, as they must wait about a month to receive necessary surgery. 69% of the hospitals run by local governments operate at a loss, and of course, the rest must be paid by taxpayers.

Two-thirds could not determine whether they received quality care, and 86% of the people were dissatisfied with the long waiting lines. Costs are rising and the government is trying to reign them in. Next step, of course, is rationing. Read the article here.

The Japanese tend to be healthier and more fit than Americans, and they don't have near the deaths from accidents and violence. Can you imagine the costs and the waiting times in a country like ours - with twice the population, more overweight and obese people, and many more dying violently? Socialized medicine in the U.S. would be a disaster.

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